Courgette, Ginger & Lime Jam

You will need:
500g Courgettes (trimmed and ribboned)
400g Caster Sugar
20g Root Ginger (peeled and cut into thin matchsticks)
3 Limes, Zest of 1 1/2 & Juice of all 3
Start by placing all of the ingredients in a bowl together and set aside for a few hours. The Courgette should release a lot of liquid for the sugar to dissolve into.
Add the contents of the bowl to a heavy-based pan and place on high heat for 5-10 minutes.
Then remove the courgette from the pan and leave the syrup on the heat to thicken a little for 5-10 minutes.
Return the courgette to the pan and allow it to cool for 30 minutes before jarring.
Add the mixture into a sterilised jar and it will keep for a good few weeks in the fridge.
This is more syrupy than a traditional set jam and perfect for stirring through yoghurt!